Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moving Meditation

I walked into work this morning and was thinking about my conversation with Sueann last night during our run. We were having the talk about distance running and how after 3 miles you go into auto pilot and go into a sort of trance, like a moving meditation. I know in my case, the first 2-3 miles are warm up, the body is rejecting the punishment it is receiving and in that 3rd mile it says, OK, I give into your needs. My mind clears and stress leaves my body. I notice my breathing evens out and I don't need to focus on breathing or form, it almost becomes effortless. I enjoy those moments, when everything falls in and you watch the world go by, small random thoughts passing by like leaves blowing across the ground. It is that trance that has me hooked, moments of peace in a chaotic, stressful world.

We also discussed our last long run, I got in 8.5 miles and she got in 8 (I loop back and up so not to get too far ahead.) How it was a good run, running the boardwalks at Smyrna Dunes

and along the beach

It is all very peaceful.

While we were running last night we hit pockets of cooler air and that fresh, clean smell of impending rain. I told her about my virtual running buddy in Belgium and how he had said in his exact words "I hope someday even the rain isn't gonna stop ya. The most incredible experience is 2 overheat during a run & then the heaven surprises ya with a refreshing shower. Pure heaven." We were talking about how rain is in the forecast for Saturday and how it is supposed to be warm that morning and I was thinking he might be right. He has been a big motivator for me, always there with a positive comment. I really wish him the best!

This morning I was bummed when I came out and it had rained, the smell of everything wiped clean by a gentle rain is one of my favorites. I sat and inhaled and wished I could have been running. I think this morning was the first time I really felt I was a runner. I wanted to enjoy the clean, moist air and run for hours. No thoughts of I'm glad I didn't run this morning. I wanted to, BAD! I'm on "rest" until Saturday for the race and it is actually tough to be on rest this time!

Well, I suppose I should get back to work and daydream some more about the perfect run!

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