Thursday, August 20, 2009

A nauseating run...

I have missed 2 training runs, just feeling exhausted this week. I forced myself out the door this morning sick as a dog to get a run in. I don't know if it is a stomach bug or what, but I have to suck it up anyway as I can't call out at work, we are already short staffed. I got my 3 miles in but it was not a good run, I'm only chalking that up to the fact that my stomach was rolling the whole time. I have had the urge to throw up since I got up and although I know I'll feel better if I just do it, I can't, my mental strength for that is amazing, I hate getting sick, the burning, the taste left in your mouth, all of it is just too much for me!

So for the run, I ran 3 in 31:39 avg 10:33 minute mile burned 346 calories (forgot to check HR.) Weather was 76, heat index 84 and humidity was 92%. At the 1 and 2 mile mark there was a bit of excitement...on the day I shouldn't have had the iPod! 2 police cars, lights flashing had pulled over a bike rider. I am not talking motorcycle here, I'm talking pedal bike, a rugged old thing too. The guy was young, don't know how young, flashing lights in the black night distort a lot and well, I didn't want to stare (well I did, but didn't want to trip and fall either!) I was running an out and back so I got to see them on the way back too, one cop was gone and a woman was picking up the guy and his bike. Hmm...curfew? RWI (riding while intoxicated?) I had thought about pulling out an earphone to hear what the cop was saying, but best to keep my nosey self focused on the run! By 2.3 miles all I wanted to do was walk, my head was saying stop, my legs said NO way! I made it 3 miles and walked the little bit left back to the house. I really thought I was going to lose it at that point, but managed to hold it back. I came in and fixed a big glass of ice water, got a sip, felt really sick again, so I left it and went to take my shower.

I have made it to work and well, I feel a little better, I tried some new yogurt today, more out of curiousity. Rachel's Plum Honey Lavendar yogurt. Wasn't bad, better than the very strong Vanilla Chai I tried yesterday. I have my healthy version of chicken salad for lunch and a banana. I'm hoping I feel better so I can get another 3 miler in after work to make up for one of my missed training runs. I don't mind missing 1 but not 2. I can't miss any next week! I have my 7 miler on Saturday, 3 on Sunday, 4 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday and 8 on Saturday, the next week is a back off on miles, with the exception of my LSD of 9 miles. I have a break in training at the end of next month when we run our first race of the season, the Hospice 5K. The next weekend will be an 11 miler so I better enjoy the short race! I've pulled the fall Disney races off my schedule and it looks like Disney Princess will take their place. I just think the 10K and 13K right before Daytona will be too much. We register for Daytona next week, YIKES! It will be real then, 3 1/2s registered and paid for every month for three months, 1 month off, then the 4th, then OKC. I have no fear of the marathon, is this normal? No anxiety, nothing, I know I can do it. I hit a zone at 4-5 miles and my legs just keep going and the internal battle is over and my strong side has won. I have only run 9 miles as my longest run, but even on that run, I could have run another hour without issue. With the impending 20 milers coming up, we will see if the strong side maintains!

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